on Research & Opportunities

ADI Penggerak Perubahan untuk Kepemimpin Masa Depan Bangsa

The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Research & Opportunities (IICRO) is an international platform featuring original articles from researchers, academics, practitioners and business entrepreneurs to create globally oriented research opportunities in the post-pandemic era by leveraging digital transformation technologies.
IICRO 2023 is a conference that is part of the 25th Millad event of the Indonesian Lecturers Association (ADI) on September 22 2023 which took place in Jakarta, Indonesia with the theme “Potential of Digital Transformation and Universal Quality Education in the Post-Pandemic Era”. This year, IICRO will be held at the Bank BSI Gedung The Tower, followed by the presentation of participant papers. All accepted & selected presented papers will be published in one of the following reputable journals :
1. Communication and Information Technology (CommIT) Scopus SINTA 1
2. Computer, Mathematics, and Engineering Applications (ComTech) SINTA 2
3. Jurnal Informatika (JUITA) SINTA 2
4. Journal of Accounting and Investment (JAI) SINTA 2
5. Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi (RESTI) SINTA 2