Frequently Asked Questions

Hello, do you have any questions regarding IICRO 2023? Come on, find the answer below!

How do I register for this activity?

Online registration via the link https://easychair.org/

When and where will the event take place?

The event will take place in Bengkulu City on 22-23 September 2021

What categories of participants are there?

There are 3 choices of participation, namely Participant, Poster and Oral.

Am I required to attend or can I get a certificate?

Participants must be present to fill in the attendance list at the event location

Can I just participate as a participant in the conference?

Yes, as a conference participant, you can gain experience and sharing and you will still receive a certificate as a participant

When is the deadline for submitting an abstract or full paper?

Pay attention to the following registration limits: Participant only (Early bird until – and Late Bird to –), while oral and poster (Early bird until August 3, 2021 and Late Bird until August 20, 2021),

What paper themes are allowed to attend this conference?

Will the full text that I send be accepted for entry into the SCOPUS indexed proceedings?

All full text papers submitted by participants will be reviewed by 2 reviewer teams, namely the review team appointed by the committee and the review team from SCOPUS indexed publishers. Only the best 50 Fulltext papers can be accepted

If I don't pass the review in the SCOPUS indexed proceedings, what about my paper?

For those who do not qualify, they will be transferred to (-)

Will it be returned after being reviewed for revision by the participants?

The results of the layout, writing and language review will be revised by a special team from the committee. So that it is not returned for revision by the participants.

Is the abstract or full paper mandatory in English?

YES, it is mandatory to use English (not google translate) It is advisable to use a sworn and trusted translator so that the results can be more likely to be accepted.

Are poster presentation participants required to come?

Poster participants MUST be present, especially at the time the poster is installed, the installation schedule will be informed later.

How long will it take for the accepted proceedings to be published after the event?

The length of time it will be published will vary and be tentative between 2 to 4 months after the event

How much participant fee do I pay?

For details on fees, see the link https://iicro2021.wpengine.com/registration/

When do I have to transfer fees?

Participants as participants can immediately make payments, but for poster and oral participants, they must wait for notification of the review results which category of publication belongs to.

If I have transferred my fees, where do I need to confirm?

Please confirm on the link (-)

How do I get a certificate later and How do I know that I have been officially registered as a participant?

Can be seen at the link (-)

How do Payment with Paypal

Can be seen at the link Here


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